Low Testosterone FAQ: Everything You Need to Know
At the Low T Medical Clinic, we help men of all ages restore their testosterone levels. If you are considering hormone therapy, you probably have a few questions.
Let’s look at some of the most common concerns that arise when men contemplate this form of treatment.
What is testosterone and what does it do?
Testosterone, a hormone, is produced naturally by the body. Among other things, it is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male sex organs.
Testosterone is produced in the testes and regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
While searching for the phrase “low testosterone,” I’ve come across the word “hypogonadism” a lot. What does that mean?
According to a Denver low T doctor, Hypogonadism is a medical condition that occurs when the gonads (testes in men, ovaries in females) fail to function properly.
Hypogonadism is further categorized as low androgen (testosterone) or hypoandrogenism in men and low estrogen (estradiol) or hypoestrogenism in women.
How do I know if my testosterone levels are low?
If you drop by one of our Denver hormone replacement therapy clinics, we can quickly and easily tell you if your hormone levels are out of whack.
A simple blood test is all that’s needed to determine your testosterone levels. Results are determined quickly – usually the same day.
Once hormone levels have been determined, a doctor will be able to tell you if they are too low. Typically, testosterone levels fall between 350ng/dL and 1,000ng/dL. Anything below 350ng/dL is considered “low.”
I went to my doctor for erectile dysfunction issues. Now he is talking about hormone replacement therapy. Why?
If you visit an ED doctor in Denver, he or she will probably start tossing out phrases like hormone treatments. While there are other instigators of erectile dysfunction (like underlying physical or psychological issues), low testosterone is a major contributor.
Inadequate hormone levels often lead to weak erections, low libido and other sexual side effects. By treating low testosterone, you can virtually eradicate the other maladies that plague you.
What are the side effects of low testosterone treatments?
Different doctors will recommend different treatment methods. And reactions will vary by patient. However, there are some issues that are fairly common across the board.
The Denver hormone replacement therapy at the Low T Medical Clinic usually involves routine injections. Skin reactions (like acne and oily skin) are very rare with these injections, but are slightly more common with skin patches or gels.
Low T treatments can sometimes increase the production of red blood cells and fluid retention. Patients also need to be aware of the risk of sleep apnea (disruptions in breathing while sleeping). And if you’ve had prostate cancer, low testosterone treatments aren’t recommended.
I’m no spring chicken. Is it possible to be too old for testosterone replacement therapy?
Generally speaking, there is no age limit for hormone replacement therapy. Low levels of testosterone are usually the only prerequisite for treatment. However, each man is different and will need to undergo a thorough evaluation with a low T doctor.
Low testosterone treatment isn’t something you should rush blindly into. Carefully consider all aspects of the treatment process. Your Low T Medical Clinic doctor can help answer any other questions you might have.