Are You Experiencing Low T and ED Because of Your Prescription Medications?
Low T is at the forefront of the media, highway advertisements and a number of men’s minds. Since low T really isn’t an older man’s problem (men in their thirties are at risk too), it’s imperative that men take the time to research those things that contribute to, and are common symptoms of, low T.
In fact, there are at least seven types of medications that could be at the core of your sexual frustrations.
First, Recognize the Symptoms
The symptoms of low testosterone are actually quite vast. In general, people hear the term low T and immediately consider erectile dysfunction (ED) or some other aspect of sexual impairment. However, there are other problems associated with low T that should be considered.
Men experiencing the symptoms of low testosterone might notice that their muscle mass is decreasing. In turn, they will more likely be accosted by higher numbers on the scales, as low T can cause weight gain. We have terrific Denver weight loss doctors and are here to help if you’re seeing weight gain as a result of low T!
Other symptoms include moodiness, depression, forgetfulness, and more.
Possible Contributors
Ultimately, as soon as a man realizes he’s experiencing low T symptomology—or other sexual health issues–he should seek out one of our Denver low T doctors.
There are seven types of medications that can negatively affect testosterone production and wreak havoc on a man’s sex life. We’d like to discuss those medications here:
- Anticonvulsants: These are used to control seizures and treat chronic pain–like migraines. They have been found to decrease testosterone levels, depress arousal and impair orgasms.
- Statins & Fibrates: These medications are designed to treat high cholesterol. However, since cholesterol is a hormonal building block, inhibiting it has been shown to potentially cause erectile dysfunction and a decreased ability to achieve orgasm.
- H2 Blockers: Also called H2-receptor antagonists, these drugs are used to treat GERD and other gastrointestinal disorders. Unfortunately, they can also cause impotence and lowered sperm counts.
- Blood Pressure Medications: Reduced blood pressure can inhibit erections and ejaculation. It also decreases testosterone levels.
- Benzodiazepines: More commonly known as tranquilizers, benzodiazepines, are used for things like muscle spasms, seizures, insomnia, anxiety and agitation. The most frequent complaints due to these meds are pain during intercourse, ED, ejaculation problems and reduced orgasms.
- Antipsychotics: The medications in this category are utilized in the treatment of serious psychiatric disturbances like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. These drugs increase the production of prolactin which might lead to ED and other sexual dysfunction problems.
- Antidepressants: This seems to be a catch all in the realm of medications as it is not only used to treat depression but also anxiety, eating disorders, nicotine addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder and chronic pain. Given its wide berth, it’s no wonder that it’s attached to problems in all sexual function arenas!
Seek a Professional
If you are using any of the medications described here and are experiencing any form of sexual dysfunction, it’s imperative that you share those concerns with our Denver based low T doctors right away.
We’ll evaluate your condition and determine if your medications are causing the problem. We can also help alleviate any non-medication specific instances of low T.
Contact us today; we look forward to putting you on the path to wellness!