Low Testosterone Treatment in Franklin, TN
Low testosterone is a serious problem that often goes undiagnosed and untreated. It is our goal to raise awareness of this rapidly spreading condition and to treat it professionally, quickly, and safely.
Our staff at our Franklin clinic has years of experience and education in applying hormone replacement therapy techniques. We make use of this experience to measure your hormone levels and apply exact treatments to restore your testosterone levels to a healthy range. If you suffer from any of the symptoms of low testosterone, we urge you to come in and have your levels checked to see if you need treatment.
Causes of Low Testosterone
There are many different medical conditions that could lead to low testosterone. Some of the conditions that could result in your testosterone levels falling too low include:
- Abnormal pituitary gland function
- Certain cancer treatments
- Some prescription medications
- Disrupted signal from the brain
- Excessive use of alcohol
- Injury or injection of the testes
- Exposure to synthetic estrogens
While these are some of the more common causes of low testosterone, they are not the only possible causes. If you do not suffer from any of these conditions but the symptoms of low testosterone are still present, you could still be at risk.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone
No matter the cause, low testosterone will have a similar effect on whoever suffers from it. If you suffer from one of the following symptoms, you may have low testosterone. The symptoms include:
- Difficulty concentrating
- Memory problems
- Difficulty sleeping, insomnia
- Poor sleeping patterns
- Depression
- Fatigue
There are more symptoms of having low testosterone than the ones above, and may include the following:
- Loss of body hair
- Sudden muscle loss
- Sudden weight gain
- Reduced sex drive
- Weak erections
- Erectile dysfunction
Keep in mind that not all of these symptoms have to occur for you to worry about low testosterone. If you suffer from one or more, however, then they could be a sign that your testosterone levels need some help to reach a healthier range.
Our clinic in Franklin has everything needed to measure and improve your hormone levels. If you see these symptoms, then we are ready and waiting to help you.
Why Low Testosterone Matters
Testosterone is often considered to be the most important hormone in men. It is responsible for the development and maintenance of sexual characteristics in men, including sex drive and the ability to attain an erection. In addition to being needed for sexuality, testosterone is also important for the physical fitness of your body, having a large role in the development of muscle and bone, the metabolic process, and even influences your mood and mental state.
Testosterone is required for:
- Bone density
- Developing and maintaining muscle mass
- Development of secondary sexual features, such as facial and body hair
- Maintaining energy levels
- Regulating metabolism
- Regulating mood and sex drive
The lower your testosterone levels dip, the less your body will be able to keep up with the physical and mental demands required of it. Your muscles may decay, your bones may become weaker, and your mood may suffer if you allow your testosterone levels to stay low. Unfortunately, around the age of 30, men begin to lose about 1% of their total testosterone per year. As your grow older, this gradual decline will almost always result in low testosterone eventually.
Our low testosterone therapy can counteract this natural decline and keep your testosterone levels within a healthy range, even as you grow older.
What Our Therapy Can Do For You
The main purpose of testosterone replacement therapy is to prevent a number of dangerous health conditions that are associated with low testosterone levels. These conditions include heart disease and diabetes. Ensuring that your testosterone levels remain high can lower the risk of developing these dangerous, and sometimes life-threatening, conditions.
However, there are other benefits associated with keeping your testosterone levels high. Many men notice a much higher general quality of life when undergoing testosterone treatments.
One of the most noticeable benefits is an increase in energy levels. Nearly all men who receive testosterone treatments experience much higher levels of energy than they had before their treatments. In many cases, men did not even realize how low their energy levels truly were prior to receiving treatments. Stamina and endurance often improve alongside this surge in energy levels.
Having high testosterone levels also makes it easier to lose weight and build muscle mass. Alongside the increase in energy, most men have an easier time getting their bodies into better shape, as exercise is easier to perform, and results are more easily attained with high testosterone.
Sex drive and sexual performance also generally improve with testosterone levels. High testosterone may also prevent erectile dysfunction from occurring.
In addition to these physical benefits, your mind also benefits from having increased levels of testosterone. Your memory, concentration, and mood are all influenced by testosterone, and having adequate amounts may improve all three significantly. Many men who receive testosterone treatments report feeling happier overall than before undergoing treatment.
Contact Our Franklin, TN Location Today
If you believe that you suffer from low testosterone, then contact us today to get started on correcting the problem. Our Franklin clinic has everything needed to restore your testosterone levels to where they need to be – the last thing we need is to hear from you!