Low T Medical Clinic in Franklin, Tennessee is proud to offer the CoolSculpting service – a nonsurgical treatment option that uses natural methods to sculpt your body and help you lose weight.
CoolSculpting is one of the easiest methods available to lose weight, as it requires no surgery, no drastic diet plans, and no intense working out.
What is CoolSculpting And How Does it Work?
While traditional methods of weight loss emphasize burning fat, CoolSculpting takes a different approach and freezes fat.
Fat cells naturally die at a warmer temperature than the other cells in your body, so CoolSculpting applies just enough cold for your fat cells to die without risking any damage to the surrounding cells.
After your fat cells have died, your body naturally removes them over the following weeks. The result is an easy method of eliminating large amounts of fat quickly, without resorting to invasive surgery or starving yourself.
CoolSculpting utilizes a special instrument that allows us to apply cold temperatures to precise areas of your body, meaning we can target the specific areas of fat that you may have trouble with – usually the fat that builds up around the thighs, hips, and stomach.
The CoolSculpting process takes around an hour to complete, and patients typically notice results within 3 weeks after the initial session. And because the dead fats are removed naturally by your body, the end result is a smooth, natural look.
This process is convenient for you – instead of having to spend weeks adjusting your lifestyle or undergo dangerous surgery, you simply let our process run for about an hour. While it may be slightly uncomfortable, the CoolSculpting process is so non-intrusive that you can read, catch up on e-mails, or even take a nap during it. Most patients will have no downtime afterwards, and many simply go about their day after the treatment ends.
The CoolSculpting process begins with a meeting with one of our professionals. This allows us to determine the best way we can use CoolSculpting to help you achieve your goals. We will create a plan for how many treatments are needed, how long each treatment needs to be, and when each treatment should take place.
Our goal with CoolSculpting is to shape your body into a better form, letting you see quick results with little effort.
While CoolSculpting does not require you to alter your diet or exercise plans to see results, you are not guaranteed to maintain your results if you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle.
However, many patients find it considerably easier to adjust to a healthier diet and exercise plan after CoolSculpting sessions have already helped shape their body into a healthier one.
Why Use CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is quickly rising in popularity, and for good reason. Over a million people have experienced its powerful results for little effort firsthand. This number is rapidly growing as more people learn how quickly and easily CoolSculpting can help them achieve results.
CoolSculpting is far safer, more convenient, and less intrusive than other weight loss options.
It does not make use of medications that you must regularly use. If you feel uneasy using needles for vitamin injections, none of those are present as part of the CoolSculpting process. If you believe that surgery is too expensive or too extreme of a measure for getting rid of fat, then CoolSculpting offers a non-surgical option to
Unlike other methods of weight loss, no surgery or significant lifestyle changes are required when using CoolSculpting. Most patients will see results shortly after their initial treatments, making it much easier to stay motivated in keeping weight off.
CoolSculpting is FDA approved and clinically proven. It was originally created as an alternative to liposuction. It makes use of your body’s natural processes to rid you of fat, and the science behind it means that it is perfectly safe to use. Most patients see results within three weeks after their initial CoolSculpting session.
Before and After Shots
Results and patient experience may vary.
Click and drag on the slider to view before and after comparisons.


Is CoolSculpting Right for Me?
If you have ever had difficulty losing weight, CoolSculpting may be a good option for you. If you have areas of stubborn fat that you want to get rid of, CoolSculpting may be able to remove it quickly and naturally. Do you have difficulty staying motivated while trying to lose weight and always give up before you can see results? CoolSculpting is a great option, whether you are just now interested in losing weight or have been trying for a long time.
If cost is a concern, our initial meeting is also used to create a plan that fits your budget. Number of sessions and their frequency can be adjusted to maximize results while minimizing the cost. At the Low T Medical Clinic in Franklin, Tennessee, we will work with you to create a plan that is both effective and affordable.
If you think that CoolSculpting would only lead to temporary results, studies have shown that people who undergo this process are typically more motivated to alter their lifestyle to maintain the lost weight. It is considerably easier to feel motivated when you have already seen results, and the CoolSculpting process can help you achieve results fast.
If you are concerned about the safety of CoolSculpting, it has been approved by the FDA. The science that created CoolSculpting was highly concerned with the safety of the process, and it takes advantage of the fact that fat cells die off to warmer temperatures than the other cells in your body. Side effects are uncommon with CoolSculpting, and when they do occur, they are typically short-lasting. Redness, bruising, and swelling are the most common side effects.
Contact Us Today
If you feel that you could benefit from CoolSculpting, then contact us today! We have everything you need to achieve a better body quickly, and the last thing we need is to here from you to get started. If you are ready to sculpt your body into a better form, then we are ready to offer all of the help we can for you to see results.